
CRM Workspace
Select – Click – Go
Working in the cloud offers the possibility for limitless entrepreneurship for businesses of any size. Create your own cloud and immediately enjoy the advantages.

Create my own cloud now

Easily and quickly move all your CRM office applications to the cloud with CRM Workspace.

Your online work space properly taken care of with CRM Workspace

Get started right away with your CRM office application(s) using CRM Workspace and create your own online workspace.

6 reasons why you should opt for Eshgro

Eshgro has developed from the belief that working in the cloud ought to be easy for the IT department as well as any other employee. All applications, quick and easy, secure in the cloud. Just Select – Click – Go Eshgro.

Go Grow. Eshgro.

Why Eshgro

CRM Workspace

Access to your clients’ data, anywhere at any time from any device, all thanks to a CRM system. An extremely important feature to let your sales people work as efficiently as possible.

The CRM Workspace by Eshgro allows you to move your client contact applications to the cloud with ease and speed. It also enables you to manage your IT users from a central environment. Applications can be switched on or off for individual users from a central environment. A new employee? Just scale up the amount of users for that particular application. An easy and clear way of keeping control of costs in a secure and familiar cloud.

CRM Workspace applications

Eshgro's portfolio offers a wide range of workspace applications and contains over 700 different business applications. By migrating all your applications and files to the cloud, you will increase your employees' productivity. They will be able to log in anywhere, anytime.

With CRM Workspace you create an integrated workspace to which you can add all your applications, allowing you to use your cloud your way.

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CRM Workspace applications